Hype is getting on my nerve. It seems to be in overkill lately. On one hand, it seems like it is being used so that we won't think about the really important issues. And on the other hand, it is trying to force us to think a certain way about the important issues.
For example--Michael Jackson. Every time we turned the channel, someone was talking about the weird possibly illegal behavior of Michael Jackson. They were doing this to exploit Michael for the ratings he always bring. And it must have worked because 27.5 million people watched the show.
I was not one of them. I don't care how odd Michael is. He is a great performer. I love his music. I think he is a good father. And he is not the average person. So his behavior is weird. So what.
I think the show was used to distract us from all the talk about the impending war on Iraq. It is a foregone conclusion. No matter what the UN inspectors found or didn't find, the Bush administration is going to find a reason to go to war.
I am reminded of the Reagan administration. Then the devil was Khadafi. They were never able to get rid of him. He is still alive. But he's not the devil any more. .
Instead of worrying about what Michael is doing sleeping with children, we should be concentrating on getting the message to our congressman that we don't need a war. Hussein is not affecting our national security. He is affecting some businessmen's security. I bet when the presidential election comes around we will be involved in some kind of war. They're (TPTB) will not make the same mistake they made with Bush Sr. and the Gulf War again.